2016年11月13日 星期日

11月迷你真人圖書館:彩虹牧師 - 圓滿進行!

11月迷你真人圖書館:彩虹牧師 星期四晚已於家家學堂圓滿進行!謝謝來擔任真人圖書的卜莎崙牧師 (Grace) 及一眾用心閱讀的讀者!



2016年10月10日 星期一


卜莎崙 (Grace)



費用:HKD150 (收益扣除成本後將撥捐HER Fund)
查詢:電話 27941100 / 電郵 info@herfund.org.hk

2016年5月23日 星期一





地點:HER Fund 婦女動力基金
費用:HKD150 / 備有小食和飲品


查詢:電話 27941100 / 電郵 info@herfund.org.hk

HER Fund是本港唯一定期撥款推動婦女人權及性別平等的民間基金。致力消除歧視、暴力、貧窮,及推動女性公民參與。HER Fund 由2011年開始撥款資助姐姐仔會對抗職場暴力的問題,保障性工作者的基本人權。同時透過團體的能力培訓計劃,增強她們在會務及運作等方面的能力,透過互助及社區教育,讓大眾明白她們的處境。

2016年3月17日 星期四

她說故事,她有力量!She Tells Story, She Has Strength !

(按圖進入相簿 Click to visit full photo album)

2月21日下午,HER真人圖書館2016己順利於香港理工大學舉行。活動吸引得超過100名讀者、義工及媒體朋友參與,身體力行 Read‧Feel‧Act!

活動開始時,真人圖書大使葉蘊儀小姐 (Gloria Yip) 分享,自已從十三歲起拍廣告,演藝活躍期實際只得八年,今年四十二歲,其間做過不同的工作,卻一直標籤為「藝人」,今天是以一位香港人、一位母親、及一位藝術創作者的身份參加活動。她説唸藝術時已開始關注女權議題,並分享她關於女藝人著作的書寫過程。


• 「很深刻Terry所講『性別』、『性別認同』、『性取向』及『性格』之不同區分及組合。」── 跨性別人士圖書讀者

• 「性工作亦是一份工作,有辛酸、有快樂、有得著、有滿足;提高自己做事的動機。當時背後選擇這份工有很多原因,但工作期間、後所得到的亦值得比人重視。」── 一樓一性工作者圖書讀者

• 「照顧者的確是一份吃力不討好,有苦自己知的工作,唯有社會大眾對照顧者營造更多欣賞的風氣,並促進家庭男女分工,才能避免大部分的女性照顧者獨力承擔此責任。」── 基層照顧者圖書讀者

最後,不少讀者化感動為行動,加入成為「HER Readers Club」成員,和HER Fund一同推動性別人權工作。請期待讀者會未來的搞作!;)

HER Human Library 2016 was successfully organized on 21 Feb 2016. The event attracted over 100 readers, volunteers, and media friends to join. We all together put “Read‧Feel‧Act” into practice !

Gloria Yip, the Human Book Ambassador shared her life story at the openning: She started her career in the entertainment industry at the age of 13 and active for 8 years since then. She is now 42 years old, experienced a few career changes, but she always labeled as “artiste”. “But I am also a Hong Konger, a mother, and an art creator ! ” Gloria stressed on her other identities and encouraged participants to understand the human book in a multi-dimensional manner. She recalled that she started to concern about feminist issues when she studied Arts Education and shared her writing on women artists’ actions for social justice.

After the reading sessions with 7 marginalized women “Human Books”, the readers had the following post-reading thoughts:

• “ Am very impressed by the idea mentioned by Terry, that ’sex’, ‘gender identity’, ‘sexual orientation’, and ‘personality’ can be four different things. ” – Reader of “Transgender” Human Book.

• “Sex work is a work. It has its bitterness, happiness, takeaway, and satisfaction; It can also be a motivation. There are many reasons behind their choice, but they all deserve greater recognition and respect. ” – Reader of “One-Woman Brothel Sex Worker” Human Book.

• “Carer is a tough job, suffer in silence. Only if more people admire their contribution and to promote equal share of housework, women carer will continue to bear the responsibility alone. ” Reader of “Grassroots Carer” Human Book.

After the post-reading sharing sessions, many readers joined as “HER Readers’ Club” member to promote gender equality and human rights work with HER Fund. Please stay tuned on their actions in the near future !

2016年1月21日 星期四

HER真人圖書館:齊來READ‧FEEL‧ACT! HER Human Library: READ‧FEEL‧ACT !




對話之後,化感動為行動的可能,就在每位讀者手中!我們鼓勵讀者們加入成為「HER Readers Club」成員,由自己出發及連結不同網絡,一同推動性別人權工作。

報名:請填妥此網上報名表格 (注意: 報名將於2016年2月19日下午6時截止。
查詢:電話 27941100 / 電郵 info@herfund.org.hk

主題 真人圖書
消除暴力 工作上曾受不公待遇,居於庇護中心的「外籍家務工」
消除歧視 經歷停學產女的「年輕媽媽」
消除貧窮 在內地移民香港,居於天水圍的「基層照顧者」
公民社會參與 希望把民主帶入社區規劃的「年青女性區議員」


婦女動力基金 (HER Fund)
香港理工大學 社會政策研究中心

東華學院 人文學院
香港大學 婦女研究中心
香港中文大學 性別研究中心
香港城巿大學 應用社會科學系
港專學院 應用社會科學系
嶺南大學 社會學及社會政策系

HER Fund will co-organize the second “HER Human Library” with the Centre for Social Policy Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 21 February 2016 to promote:

Direct Dialogue‧Free from Prejudice
Some women are being labeled because of their race, type of work, gender identity, sexual orientation, migration status and so on. And “HER Human Library” hopes to tackle these labeling and prejudices by creating equal and sincere dialogues between “Human Books” and “Readers”. The activity will invite seven marginalized women as Human Books to share their life stories and interact with participants.

After the dialogue, “Readers” can join as “HER Readers Club” members, and learn more about gender and women’s issues, and are welcome to bring in different innovative ideas to promote gender human rights work together with HER Fund !

Event Details:
Date: 21 February 2016 (SUN)
Time: 1:30-5:30PM
Venue: GH201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Registration: Please fill in this online registration form (Please note that registration will stop by 6pm on 19 Feb 2016.)
Enquiry: Tel 27941100 / Email info@herfund.org.hk

“Human Books” List:
Theme Human Book
Freedom from Violence “Migrant Domestic Worker” living in shelter after experiencing maltreatment
“One-Women Brothel Sex Worker” who works in an isolated environment
Freedom from Discrimination “Young Mother” who chose to drop out from school and give birth to her daughter
“Male to Female Transgender Person” who is a Taekwondo black-belt coach
“Working & Breast Feeding Mother” who experienced discrimination at work
Freedom from Poverty “Grassroots Carer” who is a new immigrant from Mainland China
Promoting Civil Participation “Young Woman District Councilor” who hopes to bring in democratic values into the community

You are welcome to SHARE this event on facebook :) !

HER Fund
Centre for Social Policy Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Supporting Organizations: 

Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
Department of Applied Social Sciences, HKCT Institute of Higher Education
Department of Sociology & Social Policy, Lingnan University
Associate Degree Scheme in Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Gender Research Centre, Chinese University of Hong Kong
School of Arts & Humanities, Tung Wah College
Women’s Studies Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong

2016年1月11日 星期一

HER真人圖書館義工召集:一起破除偏見!Let’s Break Prejudice Together! Volunteering for HER Human Library!


活動時間:12:30 pm – 5:30pm (包括活動前義工簡介)
查詢:電話 2794 1100 / 電郵 info@herfund.org.hk

  • 托兒服務(4名):照顧及看管不同年齡的兒童,需具責任心。
  • 書僮(14名):在閱讀環節協助借閱流程;確保讀者遵守閱讀守則;翻譯(中、英文口語)。
  • 大會翻譯(2名):在開場及總結環節,擔任翻譯(中、英文口語)。
  • 攝影(2名):拍攝活動照片,需自備相機及具有活動拍攝經驗。


HER Fund will organize our second “HER Human Library” on 21 February, continues to tell real life stories of marginalized women in Hong Kong, and to create equal and sincere dialogue in order to eliminate prejudices and discrimination.

If you want to turn your takeaways into action, and want to break prejudices with HER Fund, please consider to join “HER Human Library” as a volunteer ! Below are the details of the event and volunteering work:

Event Details
Date: 21 Feburary 2016 (SUN)
Venue: Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Time: 12:30 pm – 5:30pm (Volunteer briefing included)
Enquiry: Tel 2794 1100 / Email info@herfund.org.hk

Volunteer Needed】(Past HER Human Library participants preferred)
  • Child-care Helpers (4 people): To take care of children at different ages
  • Human Book Helpers (4 people): To assist the operation of “reading” sessions; to make sure readers comply with reading instruction; to do translation when needed (Chinese and English oral translation.)
  • Translators (2 people): To help with translation during opening and closing sessions. (Chinese and English oral translation.)
  • Photographers (2 people): To take event photos, need to bring your own camera, with event photo shooting experience preferred.
If you are interested to join as a volunteer, please fill in this registration form by 22 January 2016. And we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

2014年11月10日 星期一

全港首屆「她‧敢於改變 真人圖書館」圓滿舉行!The First Ever "She Dares to Change Human Library" Held Successfully !

我們在2015年11月9日舉行了首次「她。敢於改變 真人圖書館」活動,邀請了8本「真人圖書」包括:一樓一性工作者、女同志、外籍家務工、照顧者、跨性別人士、新移民婦女、社運份子,與超過60位「讀者」直接對話,分享不一樣的生命故事。讓邊緣的聲音被聽見,消除偏見和歧視。活動又吸引得各大媒體報導。(更多相片





Burdened with all sorts of prejudices, the situation of marginalized women became distorted and invisible. And issuse of poverity, discrimination, violence, and deprivation of right to civil participation still remain unsolved and even worsening.

To combat these prejudices, HER fund co-organised an event called “She Dares to Change Human Library” with City University of Hong Kong, Applied
Social Sciences. Eight women from our grantee’ organisations were invited to share their life stories with more than 60 “readers” directly. The event attracted diverse of media coverage. You may see more photos here.

Post-reading sharing by some “readers”:

“Glad to have chances to ask sexual minorities questions, a rare experience!”

“I learnt how to get along with different people and accept our differences.”

“Carers have their own perseverance, hope, and concern for the community.”