2016年3月17日 星期四

她說故事,她有力量!She Tells Story, She Has Strength !

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2月21日下午,HER真人圖書館2016己順利於香港理工大學舉行。活動吸引得超過100名讀者、義工及媒體朋友參與,身體力行 Read‧Feel‧Act!

活動開始時,真人圖書大使葉蘊儀小姐 (Gloria Yip) 分享,自已從十三歲起拍廣告,演藝活躍期實際只得八年,今年四十二歲,其間做過不同的工作,卻一直標籤為「藝人」,今天是以一位香港人、一位母親、及一位藝術創作者的身份參加活動。她説唸藝術時已開始關注女權議題,並分享她關於女藝人著作的書寫過程。


• 「很深刻Terry所講『性別』、『性別認同』、『性取向』及『性格』之不同區分及組合。」── 跨性別人士圖書讀者

• 「性工作亦是一份工作,有辛酸、有快樂、有得著、有滿足;提高自己做事的動機。當時背後選擇這份工有很多原因,但工作期間、後所得到的亦值得比人重視。」── 一樓一性工作者圖書讀者

• 「照顧者的確是一份吃力不討好,有苦自己知的工作,唯有社會大眾對照顧者營造更多欣賞的風氣,並促進家庭男女分工,才能避免大部分的女性照顧者獨力承擔此責任。」── 基層照顧者圖書讀者

最後,不少讀者化感動為行動,加入成為「HER Readers Club」成員,和HER Fund一同推動性別人權工作。請期待讀者會未來的搞作!;)

HER Human Library 2016 was successfully organized on 21 Feb 2016. The event attracted over 100 readers, volunteers, and media friends to join. We all together put “Read‧Feel‧Act” into practice !

Gloria Yip, the Human Book Ambassador shared her life story at the openning: She started her career in the entertainment industry at the age of 13 and active for 8 years since then. She is now 42 years old, experienced a few career changes, but she always labeled as “artiste”. “But I am also a Hong Konger, a mother, and an art creator ! ” Gloria stressed on her other identities and encouraged participants to understand the human book in a multi-dimensional manner. She recalled that she started to concern about feminist issues when she studied Arts Education and shared her writing on women artists’ actions for social justice.

After the reading sessions with 7 marginalized women “Human Books”, the readers had the following post-reading thoughts:

• “ Am very impressed by the idea mentioned by Terry, that ’sex’, ‘gender identity’, ‘sexual orientation’, and ‘personality’ can be four different things. ” – Reader of “Transgender” Human Book.

• “Sex work is a work. It has its bitterness, happiness, takeaway, and satisfaction; It can also be a motivation. There are many reasons behind their choice, but they all deserve greater recognition and respect. ” – Reader of “One-Woman Brothel Sex Worker” Human Book.

• “Carer is a tough job, suffer in silence. Only if more people admire their contribution and to promote equal share of housework, women carer will continue to bear the responsibility alone. ” Reader of “Grassroots Carer” Human Book.

After the post-reading sharing sessions, many readers joined as “HER Readers’ Club” member to promote gender equality and human rights work with HER Fund. Please stay tuned on their actions in the near future !

